We’ve got a whole new look this month, but it’s still just mobile suit material. In last month’s preview, I mentioned that I would explain the video versions, but I tweaked the content a bit, making it more like an illustrated story. This time around, we’ll assume that the base where M’Quve’s division is posted may have a mobile suit development agency exclusively for the Mobile Assault Forces, directly connected to the Granada arsenal. I’ll also be working on the mobile suits from the series as the plamo go on sale, but I would still like to hear your opinions, so please send me your feedback. Next month, the GM!
Indian Ocean
Late November
“They’re planning to strike the Trojan Horse with the MS-15?”
Two weeks after the Federation Forces Operation Odessa, and with the Principality’s forces on the verge of a counterattack in Jaburo, South America, the Forces in Europe were currently slowing their pursuit and mop-up of the M’Quve Division’s remaining forces. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Mobile Assault Forces headquarters at Granada on the Moon expedited the retrieval of the prototype mobile suit, and the engineers dispatched to the M’Quve Division.
“The prototype’s been custom-tuned, so an ace corps would be able to take down the Gundam,” the Lieutenant said, replying rather optimistically to the Chief Petty Officer’s question.
“They’re serious? The enemy’s a Newtype, yeah?”
The Chief didn’t think much of it, but irritation over Captain M’Quve’s escape and rumors of the lunar headquarters possibly giving up on the ground forces caught him off guard.
“It’s time to let her go off on her own. Besides, I want to see her on a bigger stage anyway.”
For the Lieutenant, a technical officer, this was his tribute of sorts to a suit that was no longer in mass production.
With the Baikonur base being occupied by the Federation Forces, the suit was to be transported to the Moon, launched from Qatar by sea to Brunei.
“The Lieutenant’s MAM-07 Unit 04 and the Chief’s MSM-07F will be acting as an escort and conducting a field test. Our objective is to collect basic data for the development of transformable mobile armors and underwater combat data,” came the orders from the Captain of the Mad Angler-class Zuai.
“Keep your eyes peeled for tadpoles.”
“So, no head count this time?”
“You can’t evade them underwater like you can in space combat.”
As the Chief listened to the Lieutenant’s warning, he became immersed in a comfortable floating sensation while underwater. The pleasure derived from placing oneself in a certain sort of slow and finding it enjoyable was more than the sensation of feeling liberated in space, physiology on a different dimension from Zeonism philosophy.
Multiple tangos populated the monitor.
“Enemy missiles sure are persistent,” said the Lieutenant as he too laid down a barrage of his own missiles. Minovsky particles were difficult to scatter underwater.
The Chief responded by firing off his beam cannon, but its power was cut in half underwater. Then, having already fired off all the missiles in his left arm, he crushed a fifth enemy unit with a claw; the ability to wield a non-humanoid machine seemed to be something entirely different from a Newtype.
“Wouldn’t you rather return to the earth than become a star?” the Chief subconsciously muttered to himself. Their mission was a success, but nearly a month later, they had no idea whether the MS-15 was on board the battleship Gwazine that departed from Granada.