FA-93S Full Armor Nu Gundam

【FA-93S フルアーマー・νガンダム】

Model Number: FA-93S
Head Height: 21.2m
Base Weight: unknown
Full Weight: unknown
Armor Material: Gundarium alloy
Output: unknown
Propulsion: unknown

One of the strengthening plans for the RX-93. The basic structure is very similar to the HWS plan, with the addition of added armor and thruster units to the chest unit, front/rear skirt and leg units, respectively. However, they have a uniquely aerodynamic overall shape, which is clearly different from the HWS proposal with a simple angular structure. According to one theory, the HWS plan was an idea to reuse the MSZ-010 series for missile launchers and the MSZ-006 series design and components for the legs thruster units. It’s possible, though, it was a measure aimed at shortening the development period and streamlining the parts procurement, but there is no evidence of this concern with the FA-93S. In light of these points, the FA-93S was a plan that followed immediately after the concept of strengthening the RX-93 with options was presented, and it should be called a model of the HWS plan. After finalizing the course of action for the design of this unit, it is thought that what was refined as a weapon was the HWS plan.

Incidentally, the shape of the hand-held weapons also differs from the HWS plan. In particular, the shield can be seen as a booster rather than a firearm depending on the shape of the two round openings and the painted warning patterns. At least in regards to the FA-93S plan, it might have been a proposal to use the shield as auxiliary propulsion.

A weapons plan that differs in shape from the HWS plan. The shield is not a firearm but an optional booster.

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