RX-94 Mass Production Type Nu Gundam
【RX-94 量産型νガンダム】
Model Number: RX-94
Head Height: 21.2m
Base Weight: 25.6t
Full Weight: 58.0t
Armor Material: Gundarium alloy
Output: 2,500kW
Propulsion: 87,000kg
Sensor Effective Radius: 19,400m
The RX-93-1 was manufactured as a near spec suit, but as noted earlier, was under consideration for mass production since its early stages of development. And, what would be developed as a mass production model of the RX-93 is a suit known as the RX-94 Mass Production Type Nu Gundam. However, it should be noted here that while it is said to be a “mass production type,” there was no intention of heavily mass producing units that would replace the RGM-89 Jegan. As purchaser, Londo Bell pointed out that the performance of the RGM-89 was inferior to that of the Neo Zeon Forces mainstay unit the AMS-119 Geara Doga, but acknowledged that the difference was enough to be addressed through minor changes. What they sought was to deploy a small number of high-end suits for ace pilots in the event that the Neo Zeon camp had deployed a large number of fourth generation mobile suits represented by the MSN-03.

The RX-94 was designed to be equipped with INCOMs, a quasi-psycommu weapon separate from the fin funnel, and it seems possible to change the equipment by retrofitting the unit on both sides of the backpack.
However, mass production of the RX-93-1 as it was, was difficult for two reasons. The first problem was the manufacturing cost. The RX-93-1 was designed to be over-spec with future expansion in mind, and even though it utilized a lot of standard components, the cost to manufacture was far too high. What’s more, the second problem was far more serious. It was increasingly difficult to secure human resources capable of operating the completed suits. Lieutenant Amuro Ray, who led the mobile suit forces of Londo Bell, was one of the most prominent Newtype pilots, but there were only a few of them throughout the Federation Forces when it came down to the ability to operate psycommu devices as well as him. The AEUG administration had a history of loudly criticizing the Titans Cyber-Newtype researchers as being inhumane, and was forced to shut down Newtype research labs in various places after taking power. This was a major difference with the Neo Zeon camp, which had continued to “manufacture” Cyber-Newtype without being bound by ethical norms.
From the above background, the design of the RX-94 consisted of two points: “keeping the basic specs to roughly 80% compared to the RX-93-1” and “being able to select quasi-psycommu weapons that could be operated by non-Newtype pilots.”
First, the generator is converted to a 2500kW class output. Downgrading the armor and frame construction materials to a step cheaper worked towards reducing the costs of manufacturing. In addition, cost-cutting was met by changing out the propulsion system parts for mass-production versions, and by adjusting the configuration numbers and positions, it was considered to maintain the level of a high-end machine. Furthermore, although it was designed to be at the same level as the RX-93-1, including the adoption of psycho frame for the psycommu system, apart from the choice of fin funnels as armaments, a quasi-psycommu weapon, a wired attack unit called an INCOM was prepared. In line with this, the backpack was drastically redesigned and a method of unitizing the psycommu weapon and the beam saber rack was adopted. As a result, it was designed to be able to retrofit the funnel unit that can hold the fin funnels in groups of six, as well as the INCOM unit which has a total of four, with two being on either side.
In regards to hand-held weaponry, the same type of beam rifle, new hyper bazooka and hybrid shield as the RX-93-1 was considered, however for the beam saber, it seems to have been replaced by a type that can also be utilized as a beam cannon, which was developed by referencing equipment for the MSZ-010. Other changes included optional equipment to attach to the arm unit. RX-93-1 Prototype Unit 1 had a beam saber rack connected to its left arm, but the RX-94 standardized a beam spray gun mounted on both arms. As for the spare beam saber, it was supposed to be hung on the rear skirt armor, but it seems to be a simple rack that lacks functionality to replenish energy.
Incidentally this machine, as with the RX-93-V2, had been frozen in development project due to the early end to Char’s Rebellion, but it was later reopened as a next generation candidate for the Earth Federation Space Forces. At that time, the psycho-frame had been omitted because of the fact that its security class had been elevated, and it has even been reported that it had been modulated into a suit limited to the incom equipped type, but there is no solid evidence on this point. What is certain, however, is that an actual unit was completed, and there are records that INCOM tests, etc. were also conducted near the moon. In addition, although a private record, a snapshot printed in “Anaheim Journal” magazine published in U.C.0099, showed the suit accidentally appearing behind female employees of Anaheim Electronics posing for the camera. The snapshot is dated June 22, 0094, which is a vital source of intel in estimating when the machine was manufactured.
However, it was not true that this machine, which had advanced to production of actual units, also led to the later procurement. Since U.C.0096, the Earth Federation Forces decided to adopt the RGM-89X Jesta as a high-end suit over the RGM-89. It had been reported that the manufactured RX-94 was transferred to a military factory and utilized as a test bed for the next generation suits. A noteworthy digression, but at a later date, Anaheim seems to have produced a technical evaluation unit based on this design. However, this was a major departure from the concept of “large, non-transformable mobile suits,” which had been inherited from the RX-9x lineage, including the incorporation of a combined transformation mechanism, and it is a suit that throws back to the directionality of the MSZ-010 and MSZ-011. In that sense, it could be said that the RX-94 is the last, pure Nu Gundam.
【RX-94 量産型νガンダム】
Model Number: RX-94
Head Height: 21.2m
Base Weight: 25.6t
Full Weight: 64.5t
Armor Material: Gundarium alloy
Output: 2,500kW
Propulsion: 87,000kg
Sensor Effective Radius: 19,400m
Although plans for the RX-94 had gone forward to the production process of an actual unit, mock ups of deployment versions were made in the sales pitch to the Earth Federation Forces. Depicted here is a sampling of them and do not reflect the coloring that was utilized in the actual units. In addition to the general purpose coloring similar to that of the Jegan, color patterns were also proposed for Colony Defense Forces, Orbital Patrol Forces, Ground Forces, as well as Special Forces.