16th Year Celebration Bonanza! (There’s translations this time!)

It’s hard to believe how long I’ve been working on Gundam-related material. I “technically” count the group formation as of July 4th since that’s when I bought the old zeonic-corps domain, but the first project (Gundam Sentinel) was started on October 6th, 2003. So in every right, I’ve been doing this stuff for almost seventeen years! Yikes! I still wonder where all the time goes and whether I’ll ever truly have the website that is outlined flawlessly in the back of my mind. One day I’ll pay for a modern layout with all the bells and whistles and get cracking on porting everything over, or one day a magic coding fairy/wizard will grace me with their presence and aide me on my quest. Every year I keep saying that I’ll get more projects done, but I seem to get further and further behind (although do I?).

I have a terrible habit of forgetting the anniversary of that which I love to do. But this year I remembered! Hurray! I’m still one of the only people continuing to do this stuff, and it amazes me that after so many years, the hatred and animosity from the anons online are still there. I’m too slow, I have too many things, blah blah blah. I honestly don’t care anymore, and I never really did. They can bugger off for all I care. They still download and reference whatever it is I put out anyway, so go figure.

Nonetheless, I continue along my path of Gundam fandom translating. I never imagined that I’d end up getting banned from the Gundam Wiki because I corrected too many gross errors that they made. Kinda sad, since partnering with balofo would’ve been pretty awesome and I’m sure we could’ve made a kickass website. Ah well. Haters gonna hate. I still have the goal in my head to get my own Gundam Project/Gundam.com type of site officially up and running, but I’ve become so accustomed to the hodgepodge style of this website it’s almost pointless. One day. One day.

Anyways, that’s all I had to say. To the many friends I’ve made over the years, thank you for your help! To the staff that tirelessly worked on my projects: I’m still indebted. To the fans who continue to donate to see these projects come to light: you are what keep me going. Don’t ever give up. Without you, I don’t even bother.

Thank you all. Let’s see how much longer I can keep the light burning.

So, in celebration of 16+ years, I’ve got two translations for you!

HATHAWAY’S FLASH: Chapter.13 – Commander
TWILIGHT AXIS: Chapter.07 – Shadow of Kurwenal (2)

As always, thank you again! Don’t forget to donate, please!

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