Today’s random one-shot manga release comes courtesy of the old Go! Go! Our Victory Gundam!! book by Tsukasa Kotobuki. In it is the original story of how Anavel Gato earned his nickname the “Nightmare of Solomon.” This installment was later retconned by Masato Natsumoto’s version that depicts him wielding a Dom and a beam bazooka at the Battle of Solomon rather than a Gelgoog. The latest Gundam game called U.C. ENGAGE will be depicting this through cutscenes, of which Kotobuki is in charge of the animation. So, here’s the original version of that story for everyone to enjoy. Click the link below to download.

GO! GO! Our Victory Gundam


Publisher: Dengeki Comics
Published: 1994.10.15
Price: 560 yen
Download: click here

Original oddball Gundam shorts (mostly gag) by Tsukasa Kotobuki (who would go on to do character design for Gundam the Origin). It’s evident how much his artwork improved over the years based on this initial release (even compared to the Kai manga).
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