Gundam: What’s in Store for International Expansion, VR, Hathaway’s Flash Part 2, and the Hollywood Adaptation? We Ask Producer Ogata

In 2024, the Gundam series, a cornerstone of anime culture, marks its monumental 45th anniversary. Various new developments have been announced, including worldwide distribution of a 3DCG anime, VR content, and even a Hollywood film. Naohiro Ogata, the executive producer at Bandai Namco Filmworks, says that all these projects aim to present visuals “like nothing ever seen before,” and it seems the series will continue to expand even beyond the 45th anniversary. We asked Producer Ogata about these new developments and any exciting new works that are captivating fans worldwide.

◇ 3D and VR: Challenges to Expand Possibilities

The first installment in the Gundam series, directed by Yoshiyuki Tomino, was broadcast from April 1979 to January 1980 and is set to celebrate its 45th anniversary in April 2024. The series has a history of evolution and challenge, spanning almost 45 years.

One of the new works announced in 2023 that has garnered significant attention is Mobile Suit Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance. This original 3DCG anime focuses on the European front during the One Year War from the first series and will be exclusively streamed on Netflix worldwide. The announcement of the new VR visual work Mobile Suit Gundam: Silver Phantom has also sparked interest.

“As we look toward our 50th anniversary, we’re not only catering to longtime fans and younger generations who haven’t followed the series but also venturing into international markets. Requiem for Vengeance features a different look tailored for an international audience. VR offers various immersive experiences, not limited to headsets. It’s a challenge for us in both technology and storytelling, exploring possibilities beyond traditional TV anime and films.”

Requiem for Vengeance is being produced by Bandai Namco Filmworks and SAFEHOUSE, using the 3D production tool Unreal Engine 5.

“Unreal Engine has been used in anime production, but we are aiming to create robust visuals with an eye on the future. As a 3DCG anime, there’s also Mobile Suit Gundam MS IGLOO. This might be seen as a continuation of that line. Creating realistic visuals for international audiences and distributing them on a global platform like Netflix is a challenging endeavor,” Ogata added.

Silver Phantom is being co-produced with French VR company Atlas V, known for works like Gloomy Eyes and Battlescar.

“It will be a lengthy visual work. It’s purely cinematic, not interactive like a game. The character designs are quite fascinating – they have a 2D, cel-shaded look but are set in a 3D VR space. It’s going to be unlike anything we’ve done before. We’re anticipating a growing demand for VR content,” Ogata explained.

◇ Yoshiyuki Tomino’s New Works?

Both Requiem for Vengeance and Silver Phantom are challenging projects. With an eye on the 50th anniversary, the goal is to increase touchpoints and present a Gundam world like never before.

The Hollywood live-action movie is also a much-anticipated international venture. Directed by Jordan Vogt-Roberts of Kong: Skull Island fame, it’s being co-developed with Bandai Namco Filmworks and LEGENDARY, known for Pacific Rim: Uprising. No new information was released in 2023, but…

“The project is progressing. It’s a large-scale production, including budget considerations, so it takes time to get it started… But once it gets going, it’ll move fast. It’s a crucial part of our journey toward the 50th anniversary. The success of the Hollywood adaptation of ONE PIECE shows that there’s a significant opportunity for Japanese content internationally. Our participation in a Finnish animation competition last year was eye-opening. Seeing fans cosplaying characters from The Witch from Mercury showed the global reach and direct impact we can have. It’s an era where we can broadcast directly to the world without time differences. The role of Japanese anime in streaming is growing. Though produced in Japanese, our content transcends language barriers. We want to use this powerful tool to expand for the 50th anniversary, making Gundam visual works accessible to as many people as possible.”

Fans are also eagerly awaiting updates on the second part of the theatrical film Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway’s Flash. The first part was released in 2021, and the tentative title of the second part is Son/Sun of Bright. However, no further information has been released in 2023.

“We’re diligently working on the second part of Hathaway’s Flash. It’s a critical point for the characters, and the visuals will exceed everyone’s expectations. Director Murase and the entire team are working hard to bring something extraordinary soon,” Ogata assured.

There’s also growing curiosity about the new work from Director Tomino, the creator of the series. After completing the theatrical version of G-Reco, he has spoken about conceptualizing a new work titled Himiko Yamato. “Actually, I have several projects in the pipeline. The one I’m focusing on right now is ‘Himiko Yamato,'” says the 82-year-old Director Tomino, whose creative drive seems undiminished.

The Gundam series continues to evolve, including entirely new visual works. It looks set to astonish us in the future with visuals unlike anything we’ve seen before.

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