Talk about a whirlwind! The anime adaptation of Yasuo Ohtagaki’s manga Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt (serialized in Shogakukan’s Big Comic Superior) has been announced. Usually, we’d expect a wait after such an announcement, but Thunderbolt is launching a true “blitzkrieg” – the first episode is ready almost simultaneously with the announcement. Ohtagaki’s manga, with its gritty world-building and mobile suits sprinkled with real-world space tech, brought fresh appeal to the Gundam franchise. However, its hardcore nature made an anime adaptation seem challenging.
Enter Sunrise Studio 1, the team behind Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn and Gundam Reconguista in G. Many staff members from those projects are now helming Thunderbolt. So, what kind of series will it be? We sat down with Studio 1’s producer, Naohiro Ogata, to find out.
――Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt is a Universal Century story by Yasuo Ohtagaki, known for his sci-fi depictions in works like Moonlight Mile. It features intricate mecha designs and a hard-hitting narrative about people bearing harsh fates in the worst battlefield conditions. While the story is incredibly dense, some might wonder if it’s even possible to adapt into anime.
Ogata: The Thunderbolt animation project actually came from our studio. One of our key animators, Atsushi Nakamori, expressed interest in it while we were working on Gundam UC. After reading it, I initially thought it might be too intense for TV, better suited for OVAs or special screenings. But as we were wrapping up the TV series Reconguista in G, our studio had really honed its skills in mecha animation. We thought we could challenge ourselves to create a few concentrated episodes, each about 15 minutes long. Coincidentally, there was already buzz about adapting Thunderbolt among Sunrise, Bandai, Shogakukan, and other involved parties. The timing was perfect, and we combined it with Bandai Visual’s new EST distribution model to create our current setup. Given how dense the content is, even an 18-minute episode should feel as substantial as a 30-minute TV show.
――EST distribution means “buying” the video through download. For Thunderbolt, it’s about 16 minutes of main content plus 10 minutes of bonus material for 500 yen. There’s also the traditional time-limited streaming (TVOD) option at a budget-friendly 250 yen, without the extras. This accessibility, both in terms of price and duration, seems unprecedented, especially for the Mobile Suit Gundam generation of dads. The first episode is already complete, with distribution to the Gundam Fan Club starting around the time this magazine hits shelves, and general distribution beginning December 25th. The series is planned for four episodes total, with the second episode slated for February, followed by a rapid release schedule for the rest.
Ogata: When adapting manga to animation, we usually need to rebalance certain elements. However, this time we’re sticking as close to the original manga as possible. Ohtagaki told us, “I’ll leave the anime production to the professionals, but I want to be involved with the story.” He’s had in-depth discussions with Director Kou Matsuo about the script, offering opinions on what to streamline and what to keep. For instance, he specifically requested that we include Io’s salute to Claudia. Ohtagaki explained that “Everyone in the Thunderbolt Sector is a bit unhinged. But that’s what it takes to survive on the battlefield.” This is core to the work, so we’re honoring it. However, filtered through Director Matsuo’s perspective, the final product might look slightly different.
――In Thunderbolt, the interpretation of mobile suits and other mecha differs significantly from previous works. While this is part of its appeal, many might think, “An anime adaptation would be impossible without CG.” However, with Studio 1 at the helm, many are expecting intricately hand-drawn designs. What’s your take on this?
Ogata: To be honest, there were parts where we thought 3D would be necessary to fully capture all of Ohtagaki’s gimmicks. While hand-drawn animation has a certain rarity value these days, our decision to go with hand-drawn was partly due to production circumstances. On the other hand, Studio 1 has been producing hand-drawn mecha action weekly for Reconguista in G, which has helped nurture our young animators and build up our know-how. We’re pushing the limits of what can be hand-drawn while trying to preserve as much of Ohtagaki’s style as possible in the mecha designs. Thunderbolt contains elements that are antithetical to previous Gundam works, so we needed to find a balance between our studio staff’s tendencies and Ohtagaki’s style. In practice, when we actually start drawing, some of our old habits inevitably show through. We sometimes drift towards the “Unicorn” style or the traditional Universal Century look. We’ve been gradually correcting these tendencies.
――Another highlight of this work is undoubtedly the music. Jazz musician Naruyoshi Kikuchi is in charge of the soundtrack. These pieces are used effectively in the show, becoming a unique element of the work.
Ogata: Music is indeed a crucial element in this series. For the jazz, we decided to create original pieces from scratch rather than using existing tracks. To do this properly, we had to go with the real deal, which is why we approached Kikuchi. His music is used as diegetic sound within the story. Personally, I’m of the opinion that more background music is generally better, but in this case, it’s only used where absolutely necessary. We hope this bold approach helps express Ohtagaki’s edgy style effectively.
――Thunderbolt brings together “extraordinary talents” – Yasuo Ohtagaki, Studio 1, and Naruyoshi Kikuchi. What kind of session will they play?
Ogata: Even with UC, we were conscious of the possibility of children watching. But this time, we’re making it with the mindset of “I wouldn’t want elementary school kids to see this yet.” Also, by having our studio (Studio 1) produce it, we hope to catch the attention of existing Gundam fans who might not be familiar with Thunderbolt. It would be great if it becomes a hybrid in a positive sense.
――Thunderbolt is shaping up to be a type of Gundam work we haven’t seen before. What exactly will it be? First, we need to see it with our own eyes.