Staff Interview #01: Harutoshi Fukui
Staff Interview #01: Harutoshi Fukui
――Mobile Suit Gundam UC has finally been adapted into an anime. Could you share your thoughts on this?
Fukui: It can be summed up in one phrase: “we finally made it here.” While the project officially began under the title UC in 2006, it’s actually been 6-7 years including all the preparatory work. I’m relieved that we can finally present it to everyone, and I’m truly grateful to the staff who worked so hard on this.
――What was your role in the anime adaptation process?
Fukui: Unlike my previous novel-to-film adaptations, I had a much higher degree of initiative with UC’s anime adaptation. My primary responsibility was ensuring UC’s novel would succeed both commercially and content-wise. In discussions with Director Furuhashi and the staff about the animation, we aimed to create something that would break free from anime’s current situation. These days, anime blooms in predetermined spaces, viewed by predetermined audiences, even the most beautiful flowers never reach the general public’s eyes. But the original Gundam proved that anime could create drama just like live-action films and novels, so we wanted to pursue that kind of meticulous animation style to reach a broader audience. However, once we started production, we realized this meant abandoning ease of production. As a result, we struggled with the massive workload, pressure, and human resource demands.
――Could you explain the process of adapting the novel into animation?
Fukui: I had Muto, our scriptwriter, read the novel (which had reached volume 5 at the time) and then provided him with the plot for what came after. Afterward, we spent countless hours at the studio going through verification processes. Although we abbreviated and cut various scenes, including parts of the prologue, the initial script for the first volume still ran over 90 minutes (laughs). Director Furuhashi and I then worked together to make the necessary cuts.
――The final product is quite dense with information.
Fukui: UC is designed to reveal its full scope through repeated viewings. While the first volume is already packed with content, we successfully portrayed the emotional connection between Cardeas Vist and Banagher Links, which was crucial as their collision is what sets the Gundam in motion. So even if viewers don’t fully understand everything happening in the background, they can still follow along and feel compelled to watch more.
――I heard you were involved in the voice casting process as well.
Fukui: I participated in selecting the main cast by listening to the final candidates’ tapes along with the staff. There weren’t many disagreements. The challenging part was that you can’t decide on voices individually – the balance between conversing characters is crucial. In that sense, the balance between Koki Uchiyama’s strong, grounded voice as Banagher and Ayumi Fujimura’s dignified yet earthy voice as Audrey was perfect.
――You also wrote the novelization of Turn A Gundam titled Cocoon in the Moon, Fruit on the Earth. How did your mindset differ between writing that and UC?
Fukui: My state of mind was completely different. During Turn A Gundam, I had just debuted, and I only remember enjoying the work. I got to be involved with Sunrise and Gundam, which I thought would be impossible in my lifetime, and I could connect with young readers, which is crucial for a writer’s career. But with UC, I was involved from zero, and I couldn’t stop or break down midway. That responsibility was heavier than anything I’d experienced before. While the writing process itself wasn’t different, the pressure to “keep writing” was overwhelming.
――For fans of the Universal Century Gundam series, what kind of work do you think UC will be?
Fukui: People of my generation watched Gundam and bought the model kits almost as if it were compulsory education during childhood, and many are now fathers themselves. While some may have grown distant from Gundam, UC represents a “dream” for our generation. It exists as a continuation beyond Mobile Suit Gundam and Char’s Counterattack that accompanied our youth, incorporating the latest technology and information from side stories. I want to make it a work that says, “This is part of the dream you once saw.”
――Could you share information about future developments and a message for fans who have purchased the series?
Fukui: The Char-like person on the poster will appear in the second volume. Of course, with a Char-like voice (laughs). There will be more intense battle scenes, and I think it will be even denser than the first volume, so I hope everyone continues to enjoy the world of UC.