

Head Height 19.0m
Base Weight 43.5t
Full Weight 73.7t
Generator Output 1,390kW
Thruster Output 56,600kg
Sensor Radius 6200m
Armor Material super-hard steel alloy
Armament (exclusive use) beam rifle
heat saber
head mounted 50mm vulcan gun x 2
Affiliation Principality of Zeon
Development Base Granada
Pilot Petty Officer 1st Class Thomas Meyer

At the start of the development for the MS-14 Gelgoog was an experimental mobile suit for testing purposes: the MS-06R-3 Gelgoog Early Prototype. As inferred by its model number, the machine belongs to the high mobility Zaku series. It was completed by incorporating parts of the Gelgoog that were under development for the MS-06R-2 High Mobility Zaku R-2 Type. Its development base is at Granada.

With repercussions from the United Maintenance Plan and development system issues, development of the Gelgoog became delayed. During that process, the Gelgoog Early Prototype was manufactured. Considering that the Gelgoog underwent a completely new redesign following the completion of the prototype unit, it would appear to have been manufactured just before the change in the development system (a shift from Zeonic’s independent development to joint development with participation from ZIMMAD and MIP. Direct command of development was entrusted to a Principality officer.). As such, the data from this unit became the development base at the time of the Gelgoog’s redesign.

Although it is not known when this unit was placed into combat, it is said that it was given to a museum following the One Year War. Furthermore, the model number MS-06R-3 (as well we the MS-06R-3S) was merely given to it by its development team. The machine’s name is sometimes given as the Zaku III, but it has no relation to the Neon Zeon’s AMX-011 Zaku III.


The Gelgoog Early Prototype is a custom machine based on the High Mobility Zaku R-2 Type. While mainly altering the lower back, it incorporates a lot of the parts of the Gelgoog that were under development. This unit is considered to be the in-between model among the Zaku II (High Mobility Zaku) and the Gelgoog. In addition, four units were rolled out. One of the High Mobility Zaku R-2 type which had become the base unit for development was left with Zeonic for in-house research.

Having incorporated parts from the Gelgoog (mainly external components), the head and arms were closer to the Gelgoog whereas the face, legs and backpack still left impressions of the High Mobility Zaku. The lower back portion, with its built-in propulsion, seems to have been designed with completely new parts.

Detail (Front) It can be said that the head is a hybrid of the Zaku II and Gelgoog, which clearly reflects the position of this unit. The exterior of the body seems to be an original design.  (Rear) Equipped with thrusters on the backpack, arms and legs, it is assumed to have considerable propulsive power. Just as with its base unit, it seems to emphasize offensive power with maximum propulsion.
(Head) The back of the head features a crest-shaped hybrid sensor which is reminiscent of the Gelgoog. The effective range of the sensor is 6,200m, which covers a relatively wide area for the time. (Arms) Much like the later completed Gelgoog, the forearms are outfitted with auxiliary propulsion. Although the Gelgoogs were equipped with thermo-nuclear jet engines, the class of engine equipped on the Early Prototype Gelgoog is unknown. (Backpack) Influences from the High Mobility Zaku can be seen in the backpack. Unlike its base unit, it is integrated with the body.

The armament of the Gelgoog Early Prototype was also completely changed. The suit incorporates an exclusive use prototype beam weapon as its main weapon (Due to the fairly high generator output, beam weaponry equipped for the MS-06R-2P High Mobility Zaku was problematic. This design was able to simultaneously achieve improved mobility and beam weaponry operation).

However, as it is not equipped with a beam saber (naginata), it utilizes a heat saber, a straight sword type of melee weapon. At the time of the early prototype’s development, the Principality of Zeon was developing a general weapon energy CAP, but it was before the reorganization of their development systems so it appears to have ended without being equipped.


Detail (Exclusive Use Beam Rifle) A prototype beam rifle exclusively for the Gelgoog Early Prototype. Performance is unknown. Although compact, it is revealed that by this point, the basic form of the beam rifle for the Gelgoog was completed. (Vulcans) Twin 50mm caliber machine guns. They’re mainly used for close defense, diversions and attacks on light armor. This was not passed down to the completely redesigned Gelgoog. (Heat Saber) A melee weapon with a red hot blade. A straight sword type that is close to the one used by the Dom, its characteristic is its pointed end. Like the Rick Dom II and the Dwadge, it is mounted on the side of the backpack.
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